About the Artwork Riepler Linus 2019

Linus Riepler

Linus Riepler is an Austrian artist who works across a range of media, including painting, sculpture, and installation. Riepler's practice is marked by his interest in the intersection of art and science, and his ability to create works that explore complex scientific concepts in a visually striking and engaging way.

Riepler's works are highly influenced by his background in architecture, which is evident in the complex layering and structure of his compositions. He often employs a muted color palette, allowing the details and textures of his works to take center stage.

The artist's works often explore themes of memory, identity, and the passage of time. He frequently incorporates imagery from his own life, including objects and landscapes from his childhood home in rural Austria. These personal elements imbue his works with a sense of nostalgia and emotional depth.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Austria, Graz