Lika Tarkhan-Mouravi

Lika Tarkhan-Mouravi is a Georgian independent curator and artist. Her work revolves around the intersections of various art forms, including visual arts, poetry, film, and performance. Lika's practice is characterized by her commitment to creating non-hierarchical and discursive spaces where exhibition formats are constantly tested and challenged.

Biography of the Lika Tarkhan-Mouravi

Lika Tarkhan-Mouravi was born in Georgia and currently resides in both Tbilisi and London. She holds a Master's degree with Distinction in Curating Contemporary Art from the Royal College of Art, London. Notably, she has been awarded the Open Space Contemporary curatorial residency and LAHP scholarship.

Lika Tarkhan-Mouravi has actively participated in various exhibitions and events showcasing her curatorial prowess and involvement in the art world. Some notable exhibitions and programs she has been part of include Georgia 100: Video Works, a co-curated exhibition with Keti Japaridze at Close-up Cinema in London in May 2018; Poetry as Exhibition, a public talk held at E. A. Shared Space in Tbilisi in September 2019; Suzhou Panorama, an international, collaborative, and interdisciplinary 3-year curatorial program and exhibition at Suzhou Design Week in Suzhou, China, starting in November 2019; On The Other Side of The Hill: a group exhibition at E. A. Shared Space in Tbilisi in May 2022; Research Biennale 2023: The Royal College of Art's research biennale hosted at Copeland Gallery in London, in June 2023.

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