Nino Sekhniashvili

Nino Sekhniashvili was born in Tiflis, Georgia, in 1979. She studied fine arts with Rosemarie Trockel at the Art Academy Düsseldorf until 2000. She furthered her education at the graphics department of the Art Academy of Tiflis until 2002.

Sekhniashvili's artistic practice primarily revolves around conceptual work, employing various media and predominantly exploring the notion of identity. In 2005, she co-founded the music project called "DARIO RADIO."

Exhibitions of Nino Sekhniashvili

Notable exhibitions featuring Nino Sekhniashvili's work include "Die Kultur der Angst" in collaboration with the Federkeil Foundation, Leipzig, and Knut Birkholz at ACC Galerie Weimar and Stiftung Federkeil, Leipzig (2006); "Luft Holen" at Kuenstlerhaus Klagenfurt and Kulturzentrum Unikum, Klagenfurt, Austria (2006); "Alternative Vision," showcasing three artists from the Caucasus, at Gallery Art Point/Austrian Educational Cooperation KulturKontakt, Vienna, Austria (2006); "Art without Borders" at the Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan, Armenia (2006); and "Utopia," Caucasian Photography at the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations ifa Gallery Berlin and ifa Gallery Stuttgart (2005).

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