
Joanna Piotrowska

Joanna Piotrowska is a contemporary artist from Poland who is best known for her thought-provoking photographic works. Born in 1985, Piotrowska studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and at the Royal College of Art in London, where she received a Master's degree in Photography.

Piotrowska's work explores themes related to the body, relationships, and the human psyche. She is particularly interested in the ways in which people use their bodies to express themselves and interact with others. Piotrowska's photographs often depict people in tense or uncomfortable situations, inviting the viewer to consider the complexities of human relationships.

Her recent solo exhibitions include: Are we home yet? Thomas Zander, Cologne (2021); Thump, Museum Insel Hombroich, Neuss (2021); FROWST, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw (2020); Joanna Piotrowska, Madragoa, Lisbon (2020); Stable Vices, Kunsthalle Basel (2019); All Our False Devices, TATE Britain, London (2019); Joanna Piotrowska, Leeds Art Gallery (2019).

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