Isaac Julien

Isaac Julien is a highly influential and significant British visual artist, renowned for his work in installation and film.

Biography of Isaac Julien

Isaac Julien was born in 1960 in London, UK. He earned a BA in Fine Art Film from Central Saint Martins School of Art in London. He later completed his postdoctoral studies at Les Entrepreneurs de l'Audiovisuel Européen in Brussels.

In 1983, Julien co-founded the Sankofa Film and Video Collective alongside Martina Attille, Maureen Blackwood, and Nadine Marsh-Edwards.

Julien rose to prominence in the film world with his 1989 drama documentary "Looking for Langston," which garnered a cult following for its poetic exploration of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance. His acclaim further increased when his film "Young Soul Rebels" won the Semaine de la Critique prize for best film at the Cannes Film Festival in 1991.

The artist has an extensive teaching background, having served as Chair of Global Art at the University of the Arts London from 2014 to 2016 and as Professor of Media Art at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe, Germany from 2008 to 2016.

He was awarded the James Robert Brudner '83 Memorial Prize and delivered lectures at Yale University in 2016. Most recently, Julien was honored with the Kaiserring Goslar Award in 2022 and received a knighthood in the Queen's Honours List the same year.

Isaac Julien's Art Style

Julien's work integrates various disciplines, such as cinema, photography, dance, music, theatre, painting, and sculpture, which are reflected in his audio-visual installations, documentaries, and photographic pieces. This multidisciplinary approach is evident not only in the creation process but also in the exhibition style, often utilizing multiple screens. Julien is a pioneer in multi-screen film installations.

His works frequently stem from in-depth explorations of historical figures like Langston Hughes, Frantz Fanon, and Lina Bo Bardi, often seeking to reexamine official historical narratives. While films are the primary medium of his artistic production, photography also plays a crucial role in his oeuvre. Through his photographs, Julien reinvents and redefines the aesthetics of his audio-visual works, employing techniques such as collage and digital photomontage.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1960

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London

  • Personal website