About the Artwork Freunde Von Freunden Hugo Canoilas 1189

Hugo Canoilas

Hugo Canoilas (b. 1977, Lisbon, Portugal) is a contemporary artist who has exhibited extensively in Portugal, as well as in Austria, Italy, and elsewhere. His first exhibition, "Hugo Canoilas - Nor Mag" at Galeria Miguel Nabinho - Lisboa 20 in Lisbon, took place in 2003, while his most recent exhibition, "O verdadeiro lado da manta," was held at Centro Cultural Vila Flor in Guimarães in 2022. Over the past 19 years, he has had at least 31 solo shows and 82 group shows, and has also participated in 9 art fairs and two biennials.

Notable exhibitions include "On the extremes of good and evil" at the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig (MUMOK) in Vienna in 2020, as well as shows at the Bienal de Sao Paulo in São Paulo and the Museu Serralves - Museu de Arte Contemporânea in Porto. Canoilas's art can be found in at least two museum collections, at Fundação Carmona e Costa and Fundação PLMJ in Lisbon. He has been ranked among the Top 10,000 artists globally and in the Top 100 in Portugal, with his best rank achieved in 2021. A complete overview of Canoilas's career since 2003 can be found on the trends page.

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