About the Artwork Yu Ji
© Photo by Ren Anyi

Yu Ji

Yu Ji (born 1985) is a contemporary Chinese artist known for her interdisciplinary practice that spans sculpture, installation, performance, and video. She was born in Shanghai, China, and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou and her Master of Fine Arts from the Royal Academy of Art in the Netherlands.

Yu Ji's works often explore the relationship between the body, space, and time, drawing inspiration from Eastern philosophy and traditional Chinese culture. She creates large-scale installations that incorporate everyday materials such as fabric, wood, and metal, and often involve performative elements that activate the space and engage the viewer.

Yu Ji has exhibited her work extensively both nationally and internationally, including at the Venice Biennale, the Sharjah Biennial, and the Taipei Biennial.

In addition to her artistic practice, Yu Ji is also a respected educator and has taught at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou since 2011. Her innovative approach to sculpture, installation, and performance has garnered critical acclaim and helped to redefine the boundaries of contemporary art in China and beyond.

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