About the Artwork Portrait of Hernan Bas, 2020 Photographer © 2020 Silvia Ros
© Photo by Silvia Ros

Hernan Bas

Hernan Bas is a contemporary artist born in Miami, Florida in 1978. He is best known for his paintings and works on paper that explore themes of adolescence, sexuality, and identity. Bas received his BFA from the New World School of the Arts in Miami and his MFA from the University of the Arts in London.

Bas's figurative paintings prioritize male beauty above all else. Influenced by 19th-century writers such as Oscar Wilde and Joris-Karl Huysmans, who embraced romanticism and sentimentality, Bas focuses on the "dandy" figure - a youthful, attractive man with effeminate qualities. In his artwork, these figures are often depicted lounging in opulent surroundings with an enigmatic expression.

His work has been exhibited internationally in galleries and museums, including the Brooklyn Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Miami, and the Victoria Miro Gallery in London. He currently lives and works in Detroit, Michigan.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    United States of America, Miami, Florida