Giorgio Griffa

Giorgio Griffa's journey into the world of art began at a young age when he first picked up a paintbrush. While he initially received training as a traditional painter, his true artistic evolution took flight in the realm of abstraction, leading him to develop a deeply personal poetic language that would define his illustrious career.

Giorgio Griffa's Art Style

In the early 1960s, Griffa studied under the tutelage of Filippo Scroppo, an abstract painter associated with the Felice Casorati school. However, it wasn't until the mid-1960s that abstract elements began to emerge in Griffa's figurative works. This transformative period gave birth to the iconic series known as 'Segni primari,' which set the stage for Griffa's distinctive journey as a painter. 

Griffa's affiliation with Galleria Sperone at the close of the 1960s forged strong bonds with fellow artists often categorized under the Arte Povera movement. Notable figures like Giovanni AnselmoGilberto Zorio, and Giuseppe Penone became vital interlocutors in Griffa's artistic journey.

Although Griffa's name has been associated with various art movements, including Arte Povera, Pittura Analitica, and Minimalism, his artistic path remains primarily solitary, standing apart from any specific current. For over half a century, he has remained committed to his role as a painter, displaying an unwavering dedication to his craft marked by continuity, consistency, vitality, and an undeniable touch of poetry.

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