About the Artwork Image W856

Jean-Jacques Lebel

Jean-Jacques Lebel (born 1936) is a French artist, poet, and curator, known for his involvement in the Surrealist and Fluxus movements. He was born in Paris and grew up in a family of artists and intellectuals.

Lebel's early work was influenced by Surrealism and Dada, and he participated in exhibitions and happenings organized by the Surrealist group. In the 1960s, he became involved with the Fluxus movement, which emphasized the idea of art as a process rather than an object. Lebel organized Fluxus events and performances, and his work often incorporated found objects, collage, and assemblage techniques.

Lebel's artistic practice is characterized by a spirit of experimentation and a commitment to breaking down the boundaries between different art forms. He has worked in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, performance, and film. He has also written extensively on art, culture, and politics, and has curated numerous exhibitions.

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