About the Artwork Df30db6763da63ad83bc362e2bd95669

Robert Zandvliet

Robert Zandvliet is a Dutch painter known for his abstract and expressive style. He studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and has since exhibited his work in galleries and museums around the world.

Zandvliet's paintings often explore themes related to nature, landscape, and mythology, using bold colors and gestural brushstrokes to create dynamic and atmospheric compositions. He draws inspiration from a wide range of sources, including art history, literature, and personal experiences. One of Zandvliet's most notable series of paintings is his "Horizon" series, which features large-scale, abstract landscapes that blur the line between representation and abstraction. These works are characterized by their sweeping brushstrokes and vibrant colors, and they often incorporate elements of collage and mixed media.

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