About the Artwork Ferenc Grof Portrait

Ferenc Gróf

Paris-based artist Ferenc Gróf (b. 1972, Pécs, Hungary) is known for his text-based interventions that explore contemporary political representations and ideological design. He is a graduate of the Hungarian Academy of the Arts, Budapest, and is currently teaching at the École Nationale Supérieur d’Art, Bourges.

Gróf's work intersects design, graphic design, and typography to question ideological and historical imprints. He explores various fields of research related to biology, geography, economy, politics, and architecture. His recent research focuses on the theme of the Anxiocene, typographer Geoffroy Tory's work, the François Joseph Islands, and national representations through mottos, flags, and visual signs.

Gróf is a founding member of the Parisian co-operative Société Réaliste, whose work has been exhibited at various galleries and biennials worldwide, including the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, the Ludwig Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest.

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