Fabio Miguez

Fabio Miguez, a celebrated Brazilian artist and the visionary founder of Casa 7, has left an indelible mark on the contemporary art scene.

Fabio Miguez's Art Style

Fabio Miguez embarked on his artistic journey in the 1980s, joining forces with Carlito Carvalhosa, Nuno Ramos, Paulo Monteiro, and Rodrigo Andrade to establish Casa 7, an innovative artist's space. Like his fellow group members, Miguez initially focused on painting. 

In the 1990s, Miguez embarked on a parallel exploration alongside his painting practice, delving into photography with his series "Derivas," eventually published under the title "Paisagem Zero" in 2013. These photographs closely resonate with his paintings, evident in the interplay between the uncertainty of the process and the apparent formation of the final artwork, as well as in the rich interplay of light and shadow.

During the 2000s, the artist embarked on the creation of three-dimensional artworks, including installations such as "Onde" (2006), "Valises" (2007), and "Ping-pong" (2008). This marked a significant expansion of his artistic exploration beyond his primary medium of choice: painting.

Incorporating his background in architecture, Miguez infuses his artwork with a constructivist sensibility that engages with concepts of scale, materiality, and figuration. He frequently explores modular forms and combinatory logic, employing techniques such as repetition and operations of inversion and mirroring. Within his oeuvre, each painting serves as a fragment of reality, emphasizing its inherent materiality and reaffirming its tangible presence.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1962

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo