About the Artwork E5085b45c4cab8987507b21b598ce3

Cari Gonzalez-Casanova

Born in Puerto Rico in 1971 and raised in New York, Cari Gonzalez Casanova is an interdisciplinary artist currently based in France. Her practice involves participatory projects, publications, objects, collections, videos, drawings, and talks, with a focus on how reality is constructed and the impact of fiction on our perceptions. She draws inspiration from modern myths, utopian literature and architecture, DIY culture, activism, military history, and romanticism in music and literature.

While Gonzalez Casanova maintains an ambiguous relationship with the art world, she is consistently driven by her interest in representation and its mechanisms. She often combines artistic systems of representation with those of industrial or cultural practices like architecture, landscaping, and military camouflage. Her work blends elements of fiction and documentation, often referencing utopian literature and architecture, modern myths, military history, and war simulacra, as well as documentary-making, archiving, and science fiction. As a professional translator specializing in the arts, she brings a unique perspective to her work.

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