About the Artwork Photo1678946099

Dean Levin

Dean Levin, a New York-based artist born in 1988, uses his background in architecture to explore light, color, and space through sculpture, painting, and installation. By blending industrial and traditional art materials and techniques, Levin creates tension between mechanical reproduction and the hand of the artist. He also expands upon Minimalism's language in his work, using the grid, seriality, modularity, and phenomenological experience to invite viewers into his art.

Levin has exhibited his work in various solo exhibitions, including Soul Spirit Body at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery in London (2019), plus et moins at Super Dakota in Brussels (2018), Arches at Marianne Boesky Gallery in New York (2017), Exterior Objects for Interior Use at The National Exemplar Gallery in New York (2017), XTC at Kohn Gallery in Los Angeles (2016), A Long, Narrow Mark at BOESKY EAST in New York (2015), and 0.001 at Bill Brady Gallery in Kansas City (2015). He has also participated in several group exhibitions, such as London Summer Contemporary (2017), How To Be Being at Super Dakota in Brussels (2017), 5 Years at Heddon Street at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery in London (2016), Night Shade: Dean Levin, Eli Ping, Elizabeth Jaeger at Kinman Gallery in London (2015), and Weird Science at Marianne Boesky Gallery in New York (2015).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

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