David Dawson

David Dawson's paintings and photographs have been showcased in museums around the globe, reflecting his international acclaim. His work has been exhibited at prestigious institutions such as the National Portrait Gallery in London, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, and the Centre Pompidou in Paris. 

Biography of David Dawson

David Dawson, born in 1960 near Pwllheli, North Wales, is a British painter and photographer. He attended the Chelsea College of Art from 1984 to 1987, followed by the Royal College of Art from 1987 to 1989.

While studying at the Royal College of Art, Dawson was a contemporary of prominent artists including Tracey Emin and Jake and Dinos Chapman. In 1989, Dawson exhibited his works at Flowers Gallery.

After graduating, he began working as an assistant to renowned artist Lucian Freud in 1991 while also working for Freud's art dealer, James Kirkman. Dawson's photographs of Freud provide a captivating glimpse into the life of a master painter at work. Being in daily contact with Freud and having closer access to the studio than anyone else, Dawson captured rare moments of portrait sittings, studio visits, and paintings in progress. These images offer a unique perspective on the creative process and the atmosphere within the studio.

These photographs have been exhibited globally, including at The National Portrait Gallery in London, Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, and Centre Pompidou in Paris. 

Additionally, the artist had a two-person show with Catherine Goodman at Marlborough Fine Art in London in 2004. He held a private solo show at 61a Cadogan Square in London in 2011. 

David Dawson's Art Style

David Dawson's paintings are characterized by their realist style with a focus on urban subjects. His work exhibits affinities with the School of London painters, particularly influenced by Frank Auerbach. Dawson's paintings often include linear elements, with drawn structural lines remaining evident in the final work.

His approach is notably centered on his immediate surroundings, primarily focusing on scenes from his area in Kensal Rise, north London. He describes his process as starting with observational views from his window, which then evolve into his paintings. This method has led to a series of works depicting his local environment.

Although Dawson has explored abstract influences, notably from Jackson Pollock, his work primarily remains realist. His only nearly abstract works are a series of "cloud paintings," which he created to experiment with paint. Dawson prefers to work from physical subjects, gradually pushing them towards abstraction before refining them back towards realism.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1960

  • Country:

    United Kingdom