Cristina Canale

Cristina Canale's painting showcases distinctive qualities, particularly the manner in which the figurative elements within the composition teeter on the brink of imminent dissolution into abstraction.

Cristina Canale's Art Style

Cristina Canale gained recognition after her involvement in the seminal group exhibition "Como vai você, Geração 80?" at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV Parque Lage) in Rio de Janeiro in 1984. Much like her peers from the "Generation 80" movement, her early works bear the imprint of the international art scene, particularly the resurgence of painting, notably influenced by German Neo-expressionism.

Her early paintings, rich with visual elements and thickly applied paint, exude a tactile quality further enhanced by her use of vibrant and contrasting colors. In the early 1990s, Canale relocated to Germany to study under the tutelage of Dutch conceptual artist Jan Dibbets in Düsseldorf. Here, her compositions evolved to encompass a sense of spatiality, integrating planes and depth while infusing greater fluidity into her color palette.

Canale's work frequently draws inspiration from mundane, everyday scenes sourced from advertising photography. Her paintings manifest as intricate compositions that blend the figurative and the abstract, often blurring the lines between the two.

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