About the Artwork
© Photo by Juan García

Jorge Peris

Jorge Peris, born in Alzira, Valencia in 1969, has garnered recognition for crafting site-specific installations that not only captivate the viewer's senses but also redefine the conventional boundaries of gallery space.

Jorge Peris' Art Style

 In his installations, Jorge Peris explores the microcosm of relationships forged from materials as diverse as bacteria, algae, sand, or salt, crafting environments where the process culminates in the presentation of the artwork itself. Peris transforms the exhibition space into a laboratory, fostering collaborations with biologists, physicists, and even psychologists to advance his research. This experimental approach embraces the inevitability of error and accident, which is integral to the implementation of his artistic practice.

The artist manipulates the existing space, altering it through the addition or removal of architectural elements. This transformation results in a new, palpable yet disquieting situation where the sense of familiarity disintegrates. His work often amplifies the divide between emotion and intellect. By challenging the relationship between the artwork and the viewer, it prompts viewers to question their conventional perception of space.

Jorge Peris' Recognition: From Local to Global

Peris' artistic evolution has been punctuated by a series of significant solo and group exhibitions, both locally and internationally. His work has been showcased in prestigious venues such as the Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, the Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg, and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, among others. Peris' ability to transcend cultural and geographical boundaries has earned him recognition and acclaim on a global scale, solidifying his status as a visionary artist.

The artist has also been featured in group exhibitions at Galleria d'arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, CA2M, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, and many other esteemed venues.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1969

  • Country:

    Spain, Valencia

  • Gallery:
