About the Artwork Arenasbraulio 508x296

Braulio Arenas

Braulio Arenas (1913-1988) was a Chilean poet, writer, and artist associated with the Surrealist movement. Born in Talca, Chile, he was a close friend and collaborator of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and other important figures in the Latin American literary and artistic scene.

Arenas was a member of the Chilean Surrealist group Mandrágora, which was founded in 1938 and included such prominent artists and writers as Enrique Gómez-Correa and Gabriela Mistral. His work, like that of other Surrealist writers, was characterized by a dreamlike quality and an interest in exploring the unconscious and irrational aspects of the human psyche. He published several books of poetry and prose, including "Materia Radiante" (1959) and "La Hora del Equipaje" (1960), which are considered classics of Chilean Surrealist literature.

In addition to his literary work, Arenas was also a visual artist who created surrealist paintings and drawings. His art was exhibited in several solo and group shows throughout Chile and other countries, and he was recognized as one of the leading Surrealist artists in Latin America.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1913

  • Country:

    Chile, La Serena