About the Artwork Bennibosetto Ritratto 1611912581

Benni Bosetto

Benni Bosetto's artistic endeavors seamlessly blend drawing, sculpture, installation, and performance, maintaining a consistent focus on the human body and its expressive gestures.

Biography of Benni Bosetto

Born in Milan, Italy, in 1987, Benni Bosetto is an accomplished artist whose creative journey began with a formal education at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan. Expanding her horizons, she further honed her skills at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam.

Bosetto's artistic prowess has been showcased in numerous solo exhibitions, highlighting her distinctive approach to combining various artistic mediums. Notable among these exhibitions are displays at esteemed venues such as MAMbo Museo d'arte Moderna in Bologna (2022), Almanac in Turin (2020), Kunstraum in London (2019), Fonderia Battaglia in Milan (2018), Convento de los Domenicos in Eivissa (2017), and Tile Project Space in Milan (2016).

Artistic Approach: Layered Narratives and Explorations

Benni Bosetto's art style is characterized by the layering of fragmented narratives sourced from anthropology, religion, popular beliefs, and art history. Her artistic practice delves deeply into the study of ancient and contemporary healing rituals, as well as the states of semi-consciousness inherent in meditation and sleep. Drawing from these rich sources of inspiration, Bosetto crafts visually open-ended narratives that invite viewers to traverse through a multitude of scenes without fixating on any singular point. Her work embodies a fluidity that encourages exploration and contemplation, reflecting the interconnectedness of diverse cultural, spiritual, and historical elements.

Exhibition Showcase: 'Slippery Orchid'

The concept of 'Slippery Orchid' transcends the physical realm as it explores the boundless expanses of the mind. This ethereal sensation forges an unbreakable connection between the self and the external world, granting the power to perceive it as a unified entity.

Central to Benni Bosetto's artistic practice is the conception of the body not only as a vessel with limited freedom but also as a tool for liberation. Through her sculptures, drawings, and immersive environments, Bosetto presents a holistic perspective of the body, portraying it as a conduit for myriad realities and narratives, engaged in constant dialogue with its surroundings. In her series of drawings, human forms intertwine with botanical elements, blurring the boundaries between the organic and the untamed. Bosetto deftly blends materials and symbols, achieving a delicate equilibrium between opacity and representation, innocence and whimsy.

At the heart of the exhibition space, Bosetto introduces a series of wooden cells inspired by Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Accumulators. Initially conceived as therapeutic devices for solitary introspection, Bosetto reimagines these cells as hospitable sanctuaries for both visitors and the works of fellow artists, fostering an environment of communal exploration and creativity.

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