About the Artwork Charles Mayton Profile

Charles Mayton

Charles Mayton, born in 1974, is currently based in New York where he both lives and works. He has had a number of recent exhibitions at prestigious venues including the David Lewis gallery in New York and London's Campoli Presti in 2016, the American Academy in Rome in 2015, and the Thomas Duncan gallery in Los Angeles in 2015. His work has also been featured at the Campoli Presti in Paris in 2014, David Lewis gallery in New York in 2014, and Campoli Presti in London in 2013, among other venues such as the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and The Power Station in Dallas in 2013 and Sculpture Center in New York in 2011.

Additionally, Mayton's work has been included in group exhibitions at esteemed venues such as VAVA in Milan in 2015, Thomas Dane in London in 2014, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis in 2013, SculptureCenter in Long Island City, New York in 2011, and White Columns in New York in 2010.

Mayton obtained his Master's degree from the Milton Avery School of the Arts at Bard College in 2007.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York