Gert & Uwe Tobias

Gert and Uwe Tobias are renowned for their distinctive imagery, which draws inspiration from both the traditional folk myths of their homeland and popular culture. Their artistic practice encompasses ceramic sculptures, painting, paper works, and large color woodcuts on canvases.

Rather than carving figures into a wooden block, Gert and Uwe Tobias craft individual motifs from plywood. They employ a roller to apply paint to the surface of each form, which subsequently transfers color to the canvas. Through this technique, the Tobias brothers established a distinctive tradition and methodology. Whether depicted sculpturally or pictorially, figuration remains the central focus of their work.

Biography of Gert & Uwe Tobias

Gert and Uwe Tobias are contemporary artists known for their collaborative work in various mediums such as woodcuts, sculpture, and installations. Born in 1973 in Brasov, Romania, the twin brothers were raised in Germany, where they currently reside and work.

Since completing their studies in 2002, the Tobias brothers have cultivated a collaborative practice. 

Their artistic practice is primarily shaped by their Romanian heritage, drawing inspiration from local myths, costumes, handicrafts, and vernacular motifs indigenous to the region. They merge biographic elements with motifs drawn from popular culture, abstract art, and contemporary graphic design. The outcome is a diverse yet deeply personalized body of work that oscillates between archaic cultural mythology and contemporary visual culture.

Gert and Uwe Tobias' collaborative journey gained significant international attention through exhibitions at Sprengel Museum Hannover, Kunstmuseum Ravensburg, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Kupferstichkabinett, Whitechapel Gallery, and many more venues.

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