About the Artwork

Alfred Eisenstadt

Alfred Eisenstaedt was a German-born American photographer, best known for his work as a photojournalist for LIFE magazine.

Eisenstaedt began his photography career in the 1920s, working as a freelance photographer for various publications in Berlin. In 1935, he immigrated to the United States and began working for LIFE magazine, where he became one of the magazine's most prolific photographers. He covered a wide range of topics, including politics, sports, entertainment, and everyday life, and his photographs became iconic images of the 20th century.

One of Eisenstaedt's most famous photographs is "V-J Day in Times Square," which captured the celebratory kiss between a sailor and a nurse on the day Japan surrendered, marking the end of World War II. The image has become an enduring symbol of the joy and relief felt by Americans at the end of the war.

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