Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh & Hesam Rahmanian

Haerizadeh, Haerizadeh, and Rahmanian are a trio of Iranian contemporary artists composed of siblings Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, and their partner Hesam Rahmanian. They are known for their playful and irreverent approach to contemporary culture, politics, and society. The trio often works collaboratively, producing large-scale installations that combine painting, sculpture, video, and performance.

One of the defining characteristics of their art is their use of found materials and images, which they often transform through collage, painting, and drawing. They draw from a wide range of sources, from art history and popular culture to news media and social media. By re-contextualizing these materials, they challenge our assumptions about what constitutes art and invite us to reflect on our own relationship with the world around us.

Their work is also marked by a strong sense of humor and satire, which they use to critique the excesses of contemporary society and to poke fun at the institutions and individuals that hold power. Through their use of parody and absurdity, they create a space for play and imagination, inviting us to rethink our assumptions and embrace the unexpected.

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