About the Artwork Photo: LÉA FERRATON

Sebastian Cabrera

Sebastian Cabrera, born in Lima in 1982, is a visual artist whose work challenges the traditional composition of a show both conceptually and visually. His education includes a degree in Fine Arts and an MA from the University of Barcelona, as well as an additional MA in digital video from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Cabrera's pieces aim to expose the stimuli and tensions within the relationship between the image and the spectator, and he does this by creating scenarios that explore the motives and consequences hidden within media images. Movement is a central theme within his work, with objects represented as if they are surrounded by an unseen force that seeks to break the passivity typically associated with them.

Through his events and exhibits, Cabrera does not aim to provide a clear understanding or interpretation, but instead seeks to escape the constraints of perception and functionality. His artistic practice represents a continuous effort to challenge the pragmatic approach to art and push back against the limitations of a purely utilitarian viewpoint.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    Peru, Lima

  • Gallery:
