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Ryan Gander

Ryan Gander has created diverse artworks spanning various mediums, including sculpture, fashion, writing, architecture, painting, typography, publications, and performance.

Biography of Ryan Gander

Ryan Gander was born in Chester (England) in 1976. Gander's fascination with art was sparked when his father introduced him to one of the early British Art Shows.

In 1996, he commenced his studies in Interactive Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University, completing his degree in 1999, and later receiving an honorary Doctorate of the Arts. Following his graduation, he briefly worked in a carpet shop in Chester before pursuing further studies in the Netherlands.

From 1999 to 2000, Ryan Gander undertook studies as a Fine Art Research Participant at the Jan van Eyck Akademie in Maastricht, Netherlands. Following this, he participated in the artist residency program at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam from 2001 to 2002. In 2004, he was appointed as the Cocheme Fellow at Byam Shaw School of Art in London.

In 2017, Gander received an OBE for his contributions to contemporary art. Two years later, he was honored with the Hodder Fellowship at Princeton University. In 2022, he was elected as a Royal Academician in the category of Sculpture.

Recent solo exhibitions of Ryan Gander's works include "Feelin' everythin', whilst doin' nothin" at The Little House in LA (2023), "Days of Temporal Passing" at RICOH in Tokyo (2022), "Things Just Happen to Me" at Lisson Gallery in East Hampton (2021), "Other People Place" at Galeria Nuno Centeno in Porto (2021), and many more.

Additionally, Gander's art has been featured in numerous group exhibitions worldwide, including "The Royal Academy Platinum Jubilee Gift" at The Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace in London (2023), "Transformers" at Museum Frieder Burda in Baden (2022), "I GOT UP" at gb agency in Paris (2021), among others.

Currently, Ryan Gander lives and works in Suffolk and London.

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