Paulo Pasta

Paulo Pasta, born in 1959, is a renowned Brazilian painter known for his significant contributions to the field of abstraction. He holds a PhD in Fine Arts from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Paulo Pasta's Art Style

Paulo Pasta's art style is marked by elegant and poetic abstractions that collapse the passage of time into fields of color and geometries of lines and crosses. His works are representations of imagined spaces, with parallel, perpendicular, and diagonal lines suggesting a metaphysical architecture. Rendered in pastel hues of oil paint that he hand mixes, Pasta's work recalls the aesthetic of Mexican architect Luis Barragán.

Drawing inspiration from São Paulo, Pasta creates landscapes through memory, considering his process a synthetic and sensitive imagining of both invented and realized spaces. His work is influenced by various art historical traditions, notably the subtlety and simplicity of Morandi's color palette and chromatic variation, and Giotto's temporal suspension from his frescos.

Exhibitions of Paulo Pasta's Paintings

Pasta's works have been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Recent solo shows include "Paulo Pasta: Recent Paintings" at David Nolan Gallery in New York (2022), "Correspondências" at Galeria Millan in São Paulo (2021), "Paulo Pasta: Luz" (curated by Simon Watson) at Museu de Arte Sacra in São Paulo (2019), "Paulo Pasta: Pinturas" at Simões de Assis Galeria de Arte in Curitiba (2019), "Projeto e Destino" at Instituto Tomie Ohtake in São Paulo (2018), and many more.

Additionally, the artist has participated in group exhibitions held at various galleries and museums, including Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul - MARGS in Porto Alegre, Pinacoteca de São Paulo in São Paulo, Galeria Estação in São Paulo, SIM Galeria in Curitiba, among others.

His work is included in prestigious collections such as the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, and the Kunsthalle Berlin.

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