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Omar Galliani

Omar Galliani is an Italian artist known for his elegant and refined drawings, paintings, and installations. Born in 1954 in Montecchio Emilia, Italy, Galliani attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna in the early 1970s.

Galliani is best known for his delicate, monochromatic drawings of female figures, which often incorporate gold leaf and calligraphic elements. His work is characterized by a strong sense of classicism, inspired by ancient Greek and Roman art as well as Renaissance and Baroque painting.

Throughout his career, Galliani has exhibited his work extensively in Italy and internationally, including at the Venice Biennale and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He has also worked on several public art projects, including a large-scale installation at the Vatican Museums.

Galliani's work is often focused on themes of beauty, spirituality, and the female form. He has described his work as a search for a "balance between the physical and the spiritual," and his pieces often explore how the human body can be used to convey a sense of transcendence and emotion.

Overall, Galliani's work is characterized by a sense of elegance and refinement, as well as a deep appreciation for the classical traditions of Western art. His drawings and paintings are celebrated for their intricate detail and rich symbolism, as well as their ability to evoke a sense of timeless beauty and grace.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    Italy, Montecchio Emilia