Norbert Tadeusz

Norbert Tadeusz was a German painter known for his figurative, expressive style. He was born in Dortmund, Germany and studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin from 1959 to 1964. He also studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1963 to 1964.

Tadeusz's work is characterized by his use of thick, impasto paint and bold, dynamic brushstrokes. He often painted figures, portraits, and still life subjects, and his works are known for their intense emotional impact. He was part of the German "Neue Wilde" movement of the 1980s, which emphasized expressive and subjective painting.

Tadeusz had a successful career, with exhibitions in Germany, Europe, and the United States. He received several awards throughout his lifetime, including the Prix de Rome in 1967 and the Villa Massimo Prize in 1976. Tadeusz passed away in 2011 in Cologne, Germany. In 2021, the Museum MORE in the Netherlands presented the first major survey of Tadeusz's work in the country.

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