Mick Moon

Mick Moon, a British painter renowned for his work's enduring appeal, is celebrated for paintings and prints that skillfully blend layers of marks, color, text, and collage, creating a sense of physical depth and beauty.

Biography of Mick Moon

Mick Moon was born in 1937 in Edinburgh, Scotland. From 1958 to 1962, he studied at the Chelsea School of Art in London. There, he completed his final written thesis on the late studio paintings of George Braque.

Later, from 1962 to 1963, he attended the Royal College of Art in London. He also held the position of Senior Lecturer at the Slade School of Fine Art from 1973 to 1990.

Moon held his inaugural solo exhibition in 1969 at Waddington Galleries in London, marking a significant milestone in his early career as an artist

In 1980, Mick Moon won the First Prize at the John Moores Liverpool Exhibition. That same year, he received the Major Arts Council Award and subsequently traveled to Melbourne in 1982 for an artist residency at the Prahran School of Art and Design. In 1984, he won the Gulbenkian Print Award, and he was elected a Royal Academician in 1994.

His solo exhibitions have been held at various venues worldwide, including Alan Cristea Gallery in London, Bowles Sorokko Gallery in San Francisco, Linda Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg, Waddington Graphics in London, Chapter Gallery in Cardiff, and many more.

Additionally, Mick Moon's works have been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including "Summer Exhibition" at the Royal Academy in London (2022), Armory Art Fair in New York (2013), "Four Printmakers" at Dolan Maxwell Gallery in Philadelphia (1988), "American and European Monoprints" at Pace Prints in New York (1987), among others. 

In 2019, the Royal Academy of Arts published the first monograph on Moon, offering a definitive overview of this significant artist whose work had been somewhat overlooked in his later years. Mel Gooding, an art historian, writer, and curator, wrote this work.

Mick Moon died in 2024 in London, UK. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1937

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London