
Karl-Heinz Schwind

Karl Heinz Schwind, born in 1958, is a German artist working in the Postwar & Contemporary period. His artwork has been showcased in several prominent galleries and museums, including the Städtische Galerie in Karlsruhe.

Karl-Heinz Schwind, who studied under Georg Baselitz from 1978-84 and was a master student of Per Kirkeby at the Karlsruhe Art Academy from 1984-85, creates vibrant and powerful artwork that sometimes borders on a material battle. His works incorporate numerous art historical references and reflect the political and cultural tensions of West Germany in the 1980s.

Schwind's painting style is experimental, and he continues to explore questions of self and society to this day. He fearlessly incorporates references to other artists into his works, including Ludwig Kirchner, Dadaism, and the technical transformation of Tachism.

Schwind follows an anarchic, almost archaic inspiration, and creates his art from whatever materials he finds at hand, including wood, magazines, wax crayons, canvas, and yarn. He currently lives and works in Berlin.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1958

  • Country:

    Germany, Landau

  • Gallery: