About the Artwork Y Yi8 Amuw 400x400

Jurgen Ots

Jurgen Ots is a Belgian artist who was born in 1978 and currently lives and works between Rome, Warsaw, and Brussels. His artwork is situated on the border between sculpture, installation, and printing, and it is generated under the alchemist motto "Solve et Coagula" (dissolve and coagulate), which involves breaking down and reassembling elements. Ots' visual language comprises a physical, tactile aspect resulting from the treatment of tangible material and a representation of ephemeral elements. These opposing parts come together in a psychological context to form an illusionary synthesis. Through repetitive actions and extensive manipulation, Ots explores the boundaries of the image, transforming the material into a frozen object in time that is no longer a representation but an image in itself. Ots' works have been exhibited at various venues, including Witte de With (NL), Extra City Kunsthall (BE), Brussels Biennial (BE), Fundación Botín (ES), MASS MoCA Massachusetts (USA), Stereo (PL), and Gallery Isabella Bortolozzi (DE). He is represented by Elisa Platteau and Galleria Zero.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1978

  • Country:

    Italy, Rome

  • Gallery:
