June Leaf

June Leaf is an American artist recognized for her abstract allegorical paintings and drawings, as well as her involvement in modernist kinetic sculpture.

Biography of June Leaf

June Leaf was born in 1929 in Chicago, Illinois. She attended the Institute of Design (formerly known as the New Bauhaus) for a brief period, spanning three months from 1947 to 1948, where she took classes with artist Hugo Weber.

In 1948, she departed from school and embarked on a journey to Paris, where she focused on creating and exploring abstraction and patterns in her work.

In 1954, she re-enrolled at the school to pursue her B.A. degree in Art Education from Roosevelt University, concurrently earning her M.A. degree in Art Education at the Institute of Design in the same year.

Later, in 1958–1959, Leaf returned to Paris, supported by a Fulbright Grant dedicated to painting. Upon her return, she relocated to New York City in 1960. In 1973, Leaf founded a distant studio in Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

Leaf has been honored with notable awards, including a National Endowment for the Arts Grant in 1989 and a Fulbright Grant in 1958. Additionally, she has received honorary degrees from both DePaul University and Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.

Her work has been showcased at numerous venues, including The Blue Building Gallery, Ortuzar Projects, Whitney Museum of American Art, Edward Thorp Gallery, Museum Tinguely, Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, and many more.

June Leaf's Art Style

In her early works, Leaf embarked on the development of primitive, stylized iconographies depicting "women" in a clearly defined graphic style. Concurrently, she refined her draftsmanship skills through naturalistic figure studies, gradually transitioning toward an expressionist representation in the 1960s.

After establishing a studio in Mabou, Leaf's artistic journey experienced another shift, as she gravitated toward kinetic and transient sculptures, influenced by her fascination with mechanics and the concept of the cyborgian body. As she navigated between urban and rural settings, her subject matter evolved to become more introspective and self-reflective. Within her work, avatars representing the artist herself began to emerge, frequently depicted in the act of creation.

June Leaf has crafted a unique cosmology filled with characters and symbols that seamlessly traverse the realms of painting, drawing, assemblage, and kinetic sculpture. Her artistic creations form intricate scenographies, akin to plays within plays, where Leaf frequently integrates depictions of the artist herself in her studio, figures embodying both animal and mechanical traits, and performers who engage directly with their audience. In this exploration, Leaf delves into themes of agency, the artistic creative process, and the human experience. Drawing inspiration from nature, personal encounters, and artistic traditions, Leaf weaves narratives that playfully challenge rationalistic tendencies, gender representations, and contemporary mythologies.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1929

  • Country:

    United States of America, Chicago, Illinois

  • Gallery:

    Ortuzar Projects