Jiří Kolář

Jiří Kolář was a Czech poet, writer, and artist born in 1914 in Protivín, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), and passed away in 2002. He is known for his innovative approach to collage and his use of language in his visual art.

Kolář began his artistic career as a poet, but he soon turned to visual art, creating a unique form of collage that combined images and text from a variety of sources. He often used newspaper clippings, book pages, and other found materials in his collages, creating works that were both visually striking and thought-provoking.

Kolář's collages often contained political and social commentary, and he was a vocal critic of the Communist government in Czechoslovakia. He was also interested in the relationship between words and images, and his work frequently explored the ways in which language can be used to create meaning.

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