Jane Hammond

Primarily a painter, Jane Hammond also works with photographs and creates prints.

Biography of Jane Hammond

Jane Hammond, born in 1950 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, is a distinguished artist known for her innovative and eclectic body of work.

Hammond holds a BA from Arizona State University, Tempe (1974), and an MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1977). She also attended Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, in 1972.

Throughout her career, Hammond's works have been prominently displayed in numerous prestigious museums, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Her solo exhibitions have been hosted by esteemed institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, the deYoung Museum in California, and the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Recent solo exhibitions inlcude "Jane Hammond: Digital and Analog" at Mount Holyoke College Art Museum in South Hadley (2022), "Natural Selection: New Botanical Collages" at Lyndsey Ingram in London (2018), "Search Light" at Galerie Lelong & Co. in New York (2017), and many more. 

Currently, Jane Hammond lives and works in New York. 

Jane Hammond's Art Style

Jane Hammond's art is characterized by wit, meticulous craft, and surprising juxtapositions of meaning. Her paintings, photographs, and mixed media works incorporate an encyclopedic collection of images from various sources—past and present, history and fiction. This blend of diverse elements explores the fluidity of meaning, a process Hammond refers to as "recombinant DNA."

Her recent works include collaged photographs, 3-D drawings, and "Dazzle paintings," which are noted for their reflective materials and the resulting visual phenomena. Hammond's innovative approach and unique style have secured her place as a significant figure in contemporary art.

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