About the Artwork 3fe36efd2894601d6524b9647551db4c
© Photo by Andrea Stappert

Jan Pleitner

Jan Pleitner is a contemporary German artist known for his captivating abstract paintings.

Biography of Jan Pleitner

Jan Pleitner was born in 1984 in Oldenburg, Germany. He pursued studies at Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf, attending the Class of Jörg Immendorff and the Masterclass of Tal R.

In 2013, he received the Grant of the Kulturstiftung der Öffentlichen Versicherungen Oldenburg.

Jan Pleitner has showcased his paintings in various solo exhibitions, including "Why is the Question – Yes is the Answer" at Avlskarl Fine Art Gallery in Copenhagen, Denmark (2011); "Painting is No Business" at Natalia Hug in Cologne, Germany (2014); "The Bitter Fruits of the Jungle" at MIER Gallery, Los Angeles (2016); "Who is the sun?" at Achenbach Hagemeier in Düsseldorf, Germany (2019); "Temperatures of Time" at Kerlin Gallery in Dublin, Ireland (2022), and many more.

The artist has also participated in numerous group exhibitions worldwide, including "Headroom" at Projektraum Open in Düsseldorf, Germany (2009); "Deep One Perfect Morning" at Kerlin Gallery in Dublin, Ireland (2014); "Bozen Connection" at Studio Chrom in Bolzano, Italy (2015); "Die Rechte und die Linke Hand Für ein Halleluja" at David Achenbach Collection in Wuppertal, Germany (2017); "Emotional Rescue" at Elephant Kunsthall in Lillehammer, Norway (2018), among others.

Currently, Jan Pleitner lives and works in Germany.

Jan Pleitner's Art Style

The artist characterizes his psychedelic abstract paintings as "neo-expressionist" or "scifi-expressionism." Frequently created in rapid bursts of time or even extended single sessions, Pleitner's paintings burst with motion and energy, with dynamic lines guiding the viewer's gaze across the canvas. 

His intensely physical painting approach involves both the buildup and scraping away of paint layers, resulting in a highly tactile canvas. His vibrant and deep color palette features elemental patches, streaks, and lines merging and contending for space in an assertive yet harmonious manner. Possessing symbolic significance, these elements allude to a synesthetic sensibility.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Germany, Düsseldorf

  • Personal website