Hiroshi Nakamura

Hiroshi Nakamura is a renowned Japanese architect.

Biography of Hiroshi Nakamura

Hiroshi Nakamura, born in 1974 in Tokyo, spent his childhood in Kamakura and Kanazawa. He completed his master's degree in architecture at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, in 1999. After graduation, Nakamura joined Kengo Kuma & Associates before establishing Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP in 2002.

In addition to being a guest professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Meiji University, he is also the representative of NAP Consultant, NAP International, and NAP Design Works, which handle a wide range of fields from urban development to furniture.

Nakamura's work has been widely recognized, earning him numerous awards including the AIJ Prize 2021 Architectural Design Division, Japan Institute of Architects Award, JIA Sustainable Architecture Award, Japan Federation of Architects & Building Engineers Associations Architectural Work Awards, AIJ Selected Architectural Designs, and many more. His innovative approach continues to influence the field of sustainable architecture globally.

Hiroshi Nakamura's Art Style

Hiroshi Nakamura's philosophy emphasizes creating an organic relationship between architecture, nature, and the human body through "microscopic design" that draws on natural phenomena, human behavior, and emotions. He aims to create "architecture that can only be found there" by harmonizing with the region's history, culture, industry, materials, and other unique characteristics. In recent years, Nakamura has found the essence of his design philosophy in traditional Japanese architecture and garden culture and is actively engaged in their reconstruction.

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