About the Artwork Ritratto G. Gallo  Ph. Priscilla Benedetti Copia Scaled

Giuseppe Gallo

Giuseppe Gallo, born in Rogliano (Cosenza) in 1954, is an artist who currently lives and works in Rome. His artistic education was heavily influenced by his father, a restorer and amateur painter. After moving to Rome in 1976 to study architecture, Gallo held his first solo exhibition at Galleria Ferro di Cavallo that same year. Though initially interested in conceptual art, he later shifted his focus to traditional painting, particularly in informal styles.

In 1979, he made his debut on the international art scene at Europa 79 in Stuttgart, and he established a studio with Nunzio in Via degli Ausoni's former Pastificio Cerere in the San Lorenzo district of Rome. He was also invited to the Venice Biennale in 1986 and returned in 1990 with his own space in the Italian pavilion. Despite some critics labeling his work as part of a new Roman school, Gallo and his San Lorenzo artist friends rejected the label, as they felt they had developed individual styles and approaches over the years. In 2005, his solo exhibition Mito-rito-sito at the Galleria dello Scudo in Verona showcased his works selected by Mirta d'Argenzio and Rolf Lauter, focusing on the potential of fragments and the portrait theme. Gallo also exhibited his works at the Mannheim Kunsthalle alongside those of Max Ernst, Umberto Boccioni, Paul Klee, and Vassily Kandinsky.

Gallo's artwork is featured in prestigious public collections such as MoMA, The Museum Modern Kunst Stiftung Ludwig of Vienna, the Contemporain Midi Pirenées of Toulouse, the Groninger Museum, the Fukuyama Museum of Art, the Museum Biedermann of Donaueschingen, the MART of Rovereto, the GAM of Turin, and the Parkview Green Museum of Beijing. He has also participated in various solo and group exhibitions in prominent galleries and museums throughout his career.

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