About the Artwork Medium

Flora Klein

Flora Klein is a contemporary Swiss artist whose artistic practice primarily focuses on abstract painting. She was born in 1988 and is known for her stylistic shifts and differences in her works, which often feature reflective metallic paints and the modernist, masculine structure of the grid. Klein's work is affirmative in scale but remains consciously ambivalent in how it relates to the allegorical and less communicable nature of intensity, color, and affect. Additionally, she has instigated various projects for social exchange, including coordinating multiple exhibition spaces and co-organizing the Curbit experimental interdisciplinary festival.

Flora Klein is a contemporary artist known for her solo exhibitions in Berlin, Copenhagen, and Düsseldorf, as well as group exhibitions in Zurich, Rome, and Hamburg. Her work has been featured in galleries and institutions throughout Europe and the United States.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Bern