Dan Walsh

Dan Walsh is a renowned painter, printmaker, bookmaker, and sculptor. His work, grounded in meditative geometry, delves into the limits of abstraction through subtly irregular shapes, fluctuating lines, and a pervasive sense of wit.

Biography of Dan Walsh

Dan Walsh was born in 1960 in Philadelphia, USA. He attended the Philadelphia College of Art, receiving a BFA. He also holds an MFA from Hunter College in New York. 

He participated in the Ljubljana Biennial in Slovenia (2003), the Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art in France (2003), and the Whitney Biennial (2014).

In 2022, Dan Walsh was elected to the National Academy of Design in New York. 

His solo exhibitions include "Still" at Galerie Tschudi in Zurich (2024), "Dan Walsh" at Paula Cooper Gallery in New York (2024), "Minimalist at Play" at Museum of Fine Arts in Houston (2023), "Prospect" at Galerie Tschudi in Zuoz (2022), "Daniel Sturgis/Dan Walsh - The Science of Painting" at Luca Tommassi Arte Contemporanea in Milan (2021), and many more.

Additionally, Walsh's works have been featured in numerous group shows, including "Books" at Paula Cooper Gallery in New York (2024), "Pictoral Resonance" at Thomas Schulte Galerie in Berlin (2024), "50 Paintings" at Milwaukee Art Museum in Milwaukee (2023), "Mystics of the World Unite" at Sevil Dolmaci in Istanbul (2023), "Painting As Is II" at Nathalie Karg Gallery in New York (2022), among others.

Currently, the artist lives and works in New York, USA. 

Dan Walsh's Art Style

Dan Walsh produces minimalist art using small, discrete brushstrokes and varying paint intensities. He considers himself a maximalist working within a minimalist framework to achieve a powerful visual impact. His work begins with strictly defined grids, which he transforms into intricate systems using a simplified formal vocabulary.

Walsh experiments with basic geometric elements, multiplying and combining them to create linear yet irregular patterns and rhythms. While the circles and lines appear meticulously formed at first glance, closer inspection reveals the artist's free, layered brushwork. The complexity of Walsh’s work is further enriched by the nuanced transparency of successive paint layers.

For Walsh, the act of creation is as meditative as the contemplation of the finished work. He subtly guides the viewer's eye, allowing it to become absorbed in the illusionistic logic of his art.

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