Cornelia Schleime

Cornelia Schleime is a German contemporary artist known for her figurative paintings, drawings, and prints that explore themes of identity, gender, and politics. She was born in East Berlin in 1953 and studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee.

Schleime's early work was influenced by the political and social climate of East Germany, where she was part of a generation of artists who were challenging the strict aesthetic and ideological restrictions of the state. After moving to West Germany in 1984, her work became more focused on issues of gender and sexuality, often using her own body as a subject for exploration.

Schleime's work is characterized by its use of vivid, expressive colors and gestural brushwork, which convey a sense of energy and movement. She is also known for her interest in the human form, which she often depicts in a distorted or fragmented manner to suggest the complexity of individual identity.

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