About the Artwork


Brassaï was a Hungarian-French photographer and artist who is best known for his photographs of Parisian life in the 1930s. Born Gyula Halász in 1899 in Brassó, Transylvania (now part of Romania), Brassaï moved to Paris in the 1920s to pursue a career as a painter. However, he soon turned his attention to photography and became one of the most important photographers of the 20th century.

Brassaï's photographs captured the essence of Parisian life, from its seedy underground nightlife to its grand boulevards and monuments. He often focused on the city's less glamorous aspects, such as its graffiti, prostitutes, and working-class neighborhoods. His images were dark and moody, and often had a sense of melancholy and nostalgia.

One of Brassaï's most famous series of photographs is "Paris de Nuit" (Paris by Night), which he began in the early 1930s. This series depicted the nocturnal world of Paris, from its cafes and bars to its brothels and back alleys. The images were often grainy and atmospheric, and they captured the gritty reality of Paris at night.

Brassaï's other notable works include portraits of artists and writers, such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Salvador Dalí, as well as images of the city during the day, including its parks and gardens.

Brassaï's work has had a lasting impact on the world of photography, and he is widely regarded as one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century.

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