About the Artwork Photo: Ivan Zupanc, courtesy of Eugster||Belgrade

Vladimir Miladinović

Vladimir Miladinović is a visual artist born in Belgrade in 1981, who mainly focuses on the politics of memory, media manipulation, and the creation and reinterpretation of history. His works explore the trauma of war and post-war situations, questioning how media and institutions create public spaces and shape collective memory. He uses art to create a counter-public sphere to raise questions about war, media propaganda, manipulation of narrative, historical responsibility, and intellectual engagement.

Miladinović was awarded the 53rd October Salon Award in Belgrade, and his works have been exhibited widely across Europe, including the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the Basque Museum Centre of Contemporary Art in Spain, the Münchner Stadtmuseum in Germany, the Salzburger Künstverein in Austria, the Museumsquartier in Vienna, Austria, and the Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art in Greece.

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