Herbert Brandl

Herbert Brandl, an Austrian painter of contemporary acclaim, is a prominent figure in the Neue Wilde movement. The landscape emerges as a focal point throughout his oeuvre, imbuing his work with a profound sense of depth and connection to nature.  

Biography of Herbert Brandl

Born in 1959 in Graz, Austria, Herbert Brandl currently resides and creates in Vienna. He pursued his artistic education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, studying under the tutelage of Herbert Tasquil and Peter Weibel. Brandl's influence extended beyond his practice, as he served as a professor at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 2004 to 2019.

In 2007, Brandl represented Austria at the prestigious Biennale di Venezia, marking a significant milestone in his career. His presence in the international art scene is further underscored by his participation in renowned exhibitions such as the Biennale de Paris in 1985, the Musée d'Art de la Ville de Paris in 1990, Documenta IX in 1992, and "Painting on the Move" at Kunsthalle Basel and Museum für Gegenwartskunst in 2002.

Herbert Brandl's Art Style

Herbert Brandl's artistic signature lies in his portrayal of landscapes, characterized by vibrant colors and dynamic brushwork. The landscape serves as a recurring motif in Brandl's oeuvre, explored through various stylistic lenses, ranging from impressionistic to expressionistic and sensitively pictorial approaches.

In his large-scale works, Brandl achieves a captivating interplay between abstract color fields and subtle figuration, inviting viewers into a fluid perceptual journey. Through his paintings, Brandl shares glimpses of his memories, encouraging observers to forge their connections while simultaneously reflecting on the essence of the medium of painting itself.

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