Via Lewandowsky

Via Lewandowsky is a contemporary German artist who was born in 1963. He studied at the Berlin University of the Arts and has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Germany and internationally.

Lewandowsky's art often explores themes of memory, history, and identity, and he works in a variety of mediums including sculpture, installation, photography, and video. His working method and the effectiveness of its artistic results are often characterized by opposites. Elements that are controlled, staged and constantly emerging also have spontaneous, unexpected, and thus lively qualities. Humoristic, seemingly lighthearted works viewed a second time contain gruesome, brutal moments that can turn the comedic into the disturbing.

His work is included in the collections of major museums such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin.

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