Rose Wylie

Rose Wylie is a British contemporary artist known for her bold, colorful paintings that draw on a wide range of influences, from pop culture to personal memories. She was born in Kent, England in 1934 and studied at Folkestone and Dover School of Art before attending the Royal College of Art in London in the 1950s.

Wylie took a break from her artistic pursuits to raise a family, returning to painting in the 1980s. Her work began to gain recognition in the 2000s, with solo exhibitions at galleries such as the Serpentine Sackler Gallery in London and the Kunstmuseum Bonn in Germany. In 2013, she was awarded the John Moores Painting Prize, one of the UK's most prestigious art awards.

Wylie's paintings are characterized by their loose, gestural style and simplified forms. She often depicts everyday objects and scenes, from cars and animals to people and landscapes, in a way that is both playful and profound. Her work has been described as a blend of the figurative and the abstract, with a strong emphasis on color and composition.

In recent years, Wylie's work has been exhibited internationally, with shows in the United States, France, and Italy, among other countries. She continues to be an influential figure in the British art scene, and her work is widely admired for its energy, humor, and originality.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1957

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Kent

  • Gallery: