Gabriel Pericàs

Gabriel Pericàs is a contemporary artist whose practice is driven by continuous research spanning a wide range of topics and sources.

Biography of Gabriel Pericàs

Gabriel Pericàs was born in 1988 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. He earned a BFA with honors from Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, and holds an MFA from Parsons The New School for Design in New York, USA, supported by a Fulbright Scholarship.

He has participated in numerous group exhibitions and has performed at various venues in cities including New York, Madrid, Barcelona, and Paris, among others.

Pericàs' solo exhibitions include "Processionària" at Galeria Pelaires in Palma (2024), "Esculturas" at PM8 / Francisco Salas in Vigo (2023), "insult–miracle" at Casal Solleric in Palma (2020), and many more.

In 2013, Gabriel Pericàs established Biel Books, a small-scale publishing house specializing in artists' books. Currently, he lives and works in New York.

Gabriel Pericàs' Art Style

Since 2010, Gabriel Pericàs has been developing a series of performative lectures. He delivers spoken narrations that comment on images and objects through associations and speculation. Pericàs explores a variety of research topics in an essayistic manner, ranging from design history to mundane anecdotes. 

Pericàs' studio practice primarily involves creating small-scale objects and images. The formal appearance of these works is secondary to their connection with an action, process, or backstory. They are intended to possess a degree of obscurity and an enigmatic quality designed to spark the spectator's curiosity. 

Pericàs' practice is driven by ongoing research that spans various topics and sources, involving both theoretical study and material experimentation. He is particularly interested in how knowledge and history circulate within objects, bodies, and books.

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