About the Artwork Daniel Jacoby Bc 01960 179c.jpg

Daniel Jacoby

Based in the Netherlands, Daniel Jacoby is a Peruvian artist and filmmaker who graduated in fine arts from the University of Barcelona and furthered his education at the Städelschule in Frankfurt. His artistic practice encompasses film, sculpture, installation, and performance, and is characterized by an inventive and indirect approach to his subject matter.

Jacoby's oeuvre often involves documenting the perspectives of isolated individuals with eccentric views of the world, staging everyday situations in unusual ways, exploring ambiguous concepts with inexplicable explanations, and creating dystopian realities that oddly shed light on contemporary life. As such, his works are a personal and subjective exploration of themes like outsiderness, belonging, loneliness, friendship, desire, and spirituality. Jacoby has exhibited his works in institutions like the EYE Filmmuseum (Amsterdam), Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona), CAC (Vilnius), The Banff Centre (Alberta), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), and Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof (Hamburg).

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