About the Artwork Vivian Greven Metalmagazine 1

Vivian Greven

Vivian Greven is a German contemporary artist born in 1985 in Wesseling, Germany. She is best known for her figurative paintings that explore themes of identity, femininity, and power dynamics.

Greven studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 2005 to 2011, where she received her Master's degree under the guidance of Albert Oehlen. She has exhibited extensively in Germany and internationally, including solo shows at institutions such as the Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf, the Kestner Gesellschaft in Hannover, and the Leopold-Hoesch-Museum in Düren.

Her work has been included in group exhibitions at institutions such as the Museum Morsbroich in Leverkusen, the Kunstmuseum Bonn, and the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. In 2018, she was awarded the prestigious Konrad-von-Soest-Preis by the city of Lippstadt.

Greven's paintings often feature bold, expressive brushstrokes and saturated colors, depicting women in a variety of poses and situations. Her work draws from both art historical traditions and contemporary culture, and explores the tension between the female subject and the male gaze.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Germany, The Düsseldorf

  • Gallery:


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