
Victor Man

Victor Man is a Romanian-born artist and painter with Hungarian ancestry. He studied under Israel Hershberg at the Jerusalem Studio School in Israel before finishing his Bachelor of Fine Arts at Academia de Arte Plastice, Cluj. Man received the Deutsche Bank “Artist of the Year” award in 2014 and has exhibited at various venues such as the Venice Biennale and the Deutsche Bank KunstHalle in Berlin. His paintings often feature dark colors and capture moods with ambiguous tracks, leaving the viewer in a haze.

Man's works are highly personal and weave together literary references, collective memory, and personal experience. His art explores uncertainty and transition between different forms, such as gender, animal, and organic to artificial. Victor Man’s paintings never provide explanations but hints and suggestions that leave the viewer with the feeling that a reversal of all meanings is always possible. His works are in various public collections, including TATE Modern, Centre Georges Pompidou, and SFMOMA Museum of Modern Art.

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